{ Result }

13 leads from LinkedIn in the first 2 weeks

Our biggest challenge was to educate the market, since our solution has never existed before. With this video we let people know that the problem exists and it's solvable.

Arik Vrobel

Founder & CEO at Cableteque

{ Our insights }

What we discovered:

  • People at construction/engineering are not aware of the problem;
  • Decision-makers are old-school and don't trust AI
  • Cableteque's core product is a software
  • Awareness is needed
  • Next goal is to raise funding

{ Video ideas }

What we suggested:

  • Main 90-second explainer video for (awareness)
  • 2 adaptations: demo video, and Investors Pitch video (conversions)
  • Integration in marketing
  • Tracking results and optimizing

Every good video starts with a script

Sometimes we need 2-3 of them, to pick the best

When we have an approved script, we turn it into visuals. Storyboarding.

Major changes are made at this stage. But once approved, we move very quickly.

No items found.

Making the story alive. Animation.

No items found.

Arik Vrobel

Founder & CEO at Cableteque AI


Astra Motion’s efforts improved lead generation KPI. They are helping us to integrate the video into our marketing. Which nobody out there does among competitors.

Let's discuss

your project?

Book a strategic consultation for free

You will receive:

Estimated ROI calculation

Several video concepts

Video Marketing Blueprint,

our "Secret sauce"

Hlib Trazanov

The call will be held personally by the founder of Astra Motion